6 Feel Good Songs for Monday Morning

Monday is always hard to face. That's why MNGBlog is bringing you six songs from artists around the world to make it a little easier.

Austria's Eurovision 2014 winner Conchita Wurst and her empowering anthem "You Are Unstoppable" will convince you that you can take on the world while American bands Young Rising Sons and Imagine Dragons will have you "High" on life and help you feel like you're "On Top of the World." Colombian pop artist Shakira's Disney track "Try Everything" is a motivational lesson in not giving up and Puerto Rico's always chill Sie7e reminds us all (en español): "Don't Worry Be Happy." Last but not least, Italy's Alessandra Amoroso will bring you from living in black and white to technicolor with "Vivere a colori."

Soak up the good vibes from these invigorating songs and leave your favorite Monday jams in the comments below!