Bridesmen Wants to Change the Conversation Around Mental Health with His Single "Overwhelm"

Mental health is a subject of discussion that society is having a hard time starting and keeping as a first priority. Luckily, more and more singers are using their platform to spread awareness about depression and anxiety, among other mental illnesses.

Los Angeles-based Bridesmen is looking to fight the stigma around these taboo subjects through his own music.

Bridesmen is Kenton Chen, a gay second generation immigrant singer/songwriter who wants to explore what it means to be human through his latest single “Overwhelm”. Exploring the battle we have with our emotions, the slow-building track is a neo-soul/R&B dream that depends on Chen’s silky vocals, allowing listeners to bask in his passionate lyrics.

"We Americans don't talk about mental health, and the shame we attach to it is prohibiting us from addressing it head-on,” he says. “It's a vicious cycle. We feel isolated, so we produce negative thoughts, but because we don't discuss our struggles, we feel more isolated, driving us deeper and deeper into the abyss.”

Check out “Overwhelm” below.

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